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Facts and Figures: Women in Management

By: Lisa Koning - Updated: 6 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Women Managerswomen In

Women Managers in Britain are getting promoted more quickly than their male counterparts. However their salaries are lower but they do experience faster salary growth.

The average female team leader is 37 years old, compared to an average age of 41 for men.

With an average salary of £36,712, female managers earn £2,674 less than their male colleagues. At director level, where the average female manager is 44 years old (47 for men), the pay gap is £22,144.

Women in Management

  • Of the 4.3 million managers in the United Kingdom, 2.8 million were men and over 1.4 million were women
  • 72 percent of women in the United Kingdom are working. Working women represent 22 percent of management jobs and 9.6 percent of Executive Directors

Women Managers at various levels:

  • Director Level: 14.4 percent in 2005 compared with 2.8 percent in 1994
  • Function head: 17.4 percent in 2004 compared with 6.1 percent in 1994
  • Department head: 26.3 percent in 2004 compared with 8.7 percent in 1994
  • Section Leader: 36.9 percent in 2005 compared with 12 percent in 1994

Women in IT

  • 18 percent of the one million IT and telecoms professionals in the UK in 2007 were women
  • Around one in five of the IT workforce is female
  • One fifth of those undertaking IT-related degree courses are women

Women Manager's Salaries

  • The proportion of women in management posts has trebled in the last ten years, rising from fewer than one in ten in 1994 to one in three.
  • The salary of the average female department manager is less than 1% lower than that of her male equivalent (a difference of £475). In most senior management positions the difference is smaller again.
  • Women receive higher salary increases than men, with an average rise of 5.9% compared to 5% for men.
  • Turnover amongst Managers in Britain is 10.8 percent, with women more likely to leave their job at 6.4 percent, and men at 3.3 percent.
  • Research and development are the most lucrative areas for female managers where women earn, on average, more than their male counterparts.
  • Research and development and IT are the functions with the most improved earnings potential for female managers were.
  • Purchasing and sales are the only two disciplines that have remained unchanged.

Women Manager's Working Hours

  • The working week for women has increased by three and half hours to 33.9, reflecting the growing number of women working as managers or in professional jobs where hours are longer.
  • Men's hours have fallen from 45.5 hours a week in 1998 to 44.8 now, while the average working week for all workers stands at 39.6 hours, slightly up on figures for 1998.

Women Managers in the US

  • Top-ranking female American managers, once breaking into the top management positions, progress as fast as their male counterparts and receive even higher salary packages.
  • Female managers earned about $100,000 more per year than men of the same age, educational background and job experience. The number of females in senior management positions remain a small proportion of business leadership overall, largely due to women leaving the workforce earlier than men.

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